Damietta Official Educational Platform Is pleased to announce about a new webinar In English language under the supervision of Damietta IG: Mr. Eid Abo Al MaanyWebinar Title: Today’s Reader, Tomorrow’s Leader By Amal Ahmed Meit Supervisor of English Master holder in Education Technology Relo mentor Date: Tuesday 30/ 6/ 2020 Time: 9 P.M. (Egypt Time) Agenda: Critical reading is essential to academic success as well as intellectual growth. Research has shown that students who read deliberately retain more information and retain it longer. Taking notes has long been a widely embraced way of improving your retention of information. Making annotations while researching or reading online can improve the recall of facts and stimulate critical thinking. Attendance Form: https://forms.gle/cuhyZzwUAPRjTcVE6Attendance Link: https://tinyurl.com/ybampeex